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Adding new users

How to add new users to your adviser account

Written by Smart Pension Support
Updated over a week ago

Who should I add to my Users?

The only people who should be added to your Adviser account as users should be those who have permission to view and administrate clients on the account.

Add a new user

  1. To add a new user head to the home page and then click the Users option, pictured below.

  2. From here you will see a full list of users who can access your advisers account, pictured below.

  3. To add a new user to your account, begin by pressing the Add user button. This will bring you to the form pictured below, which should be filled out with the new user's details.

  4. Once all information has been filled in, click the Add User button. This will create and add your new user account which will now be able to access the adviser account. The new user will receive an activation email which will allow them to set their password and activate their account. They will also now show up on the Users page, and can be updated or deleted from there.

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